How to deploy OAF Pages in Oracle Application :-
The steps in brief are :
· Development of the OAF Page in local machine
· Transferring the related source code/files to the Oracle APPS environment.
· Importing the new directory structure/path of the page/form in the MDS repository
· Registration Page in the Oracle Apps environment
1.Development of OAF Page Files in Local host:
I’ve developed the Search page in Myprojects of jdevhome/jdev folder.
I’ve kept my xml pages in webui (i.e. jdevhome/jdev/myprojects/xxat/oracle/apps/search/webui) and EO, VO and AM in server folder of the
project folder (i.e. jdevhome/jdev/myprojects/xxat/oracle/apps/search/server).
On project compilation the class files along with xml files are generated in Myclasses of
jdevhome/jdev/myclasses folder.
The Folder Structure for xml pages and respective Controllers are as below
Similarly, the server folder structure is as below
2.Transferring the related source code/files to the Oracle APPS environment
The next step will be to move the files into the JAVA_TOP.
Transferring To Java_Top:
Through FTP we can easily move our files into Java_top folder.
we have to transfer the xxat folder from our local machine(C:\JDeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses\xxat) to application server
Path : $JAVA_TOP
So now we are done with transfers.
3.· Importing the new directory structure/path of the page/form in the MDS repository
Importing the XML files:
Run the import scripts for the PG and LOVRn files.
The import command is
C:\JDeveloper\jdevbin\oaext\bin>import C:\JDeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\xxat\oracle\apps\search\webui\XxAtSearchPG.xml -rootdir C:\JDeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects -username -password -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = )))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SID =)))"
The command is to be run from Command Prompt.
the output you will see is :- Import completed
4.Registration Page in the Oracle Apps environment
Registering the Main Page as a function
1.Open Oracle Application
2. Go to System Administrator Responsibility
3. Click on Function Menu
4(a).Enter the Function Name
4(b).User Function Name
4(d).Enter Properties (Tab) Type as SSWA jsp function
4(e).In Web HTML(tab)
Enter the Main xml page path
(Don’t append .xml with the path, it results in error)
5.Attach the function with a menu and then run from the respective responsibility.
- Bounce the Apache server
- Run the page from menu – function in Apps
You are Done With the deployment.
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